Red Eléctrica begins to publish new hourly prices for electricity


Línea Verde

Red Eléctrica of Spain, as operator of the Spanish electrical system is in charge of calculating and publishing the new Voluntary Prices for Small Consumers.   Therefore, it has developed an information service through which small consumers can find out the price of electrical energy that will apply, in accordance with Royal Decree 216/2014 published in the BOE of 29 March and which takes effect today.  

The prices that the system operator publishes through the "Voluntary Price for Small Consumers" service, will only apply to those consumers with a contract for a maximum power of 10 kilowatts (kW).  These prices will act on the variable energy quota of your bill (the amount of kWh consumed), that the system operator calculates according to the new approved methodology.

The "Voluntary Price for Small Consumers ", which is available via the information system website of the system operator of Red Eléctrica as well as via the Apple Store "SmartVIu" application for smartphones, will be updated every day at around 20:15 with the hourly prices for the following day.

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